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petevw May 1st 2003 21:33

i'm 24.
will be 25 on may 19th (victoria day).

6 years younger than my super.


chigger May 2nd 2003 01:05

I am ancient. You may call me ancient master. I probably have more time behind the wheel of a bug than some of the new kids on the block are old. Someone asked me at college if they had pencils when I went to highschool. I think we used sharpened sticks and clay tablets. Unfortunately I am still as horny as I was in highschool. That was forty or fifty years ago. Elvis was the man. TV was black and white, music came on records, they didn't have smog, terrorists, or computers. Mac Donalds cost $3.50 to feed a family of 8 and that was outrageously expensive. But I don't care what happened then, it is being a part of what is happening now that is important.

Split50 May 2nd 2003 05:41

My bugs 23 years older than me, currently I am in better shape but as soon as the weldings finished its going to be better than me!


1950 Deluxe

oasis May 2nd 2003 10:08

Man, I'm geezing in this group. I think Chigger has me beat since I never quite got the appeal of Elvis; although, I did like hunka-hunka-burnin' love and If you're lookin' for trouble ... you've come to the right place. Sorry, I don't remember the titles.

The black-and-white reference for me was The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show. My brother, who is 8˝ years my elder, wanted to watch. I had to watch since he basically loathed the show. My musical tastes were altered immediately.

The McDonald's reference rang a bell for me, too. I remember diving for change after morning swim practice so my friend and I could feast on our bounty.

Now, half of The Beatles are dead, half of The Who are dead, and half of my parents are dead. I have three color TVs, 150 channels, and nothing to watch. Thank goodness for my family, friends, and future.

-René, 47

bren May 2nd 2003 10:26

my 76 panelvan is a couple of days younger than me
my 72 and 73 bugs are older..

my dads oval was younger than him though by a good few years! ha! ;)

NYBugman1972 May 2nd 2003 10:57

I am 20 years old. My Bug was born in May of 1972, and I was born in December of 1982, so that makes my bug around 10 years older than I am.

Wally May 2nd 2003 17:16

Supa Ninja,
Looks like your statement was spot on. I also thought it would be for the same reasons.
When I was born, beetles were still made with reclining head lamps... (thirty something).

lightning bug May 2nd 2003 22:39


Originally posted by oasis

The black-and-white reference for me was The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show.


They made 2 tone beetles from the factory??? ;)

hot66 May 3rd 2003 03:30

my cabrio was 7 when I came into this world :D

oasis May 5th 2003 12:02


Originally posted by lightning bug
They made 2 tone beetles from the factory??? ;)
... and now for da yungshterz, lets hear it for da Pennshilvania punmeishter, Julian.:D

lightning bug May 5th 2003 19:18

Thanks:D ;)

Jim Long May 6th 2003 15:59

I am 58. I got interested in Bugs in the early 60s when I saw a new Bug with a new Porsche motor in it. It definitly got my attention. In '68 after a rollover in my '65 Porsche I transfered everything I could into our second car, a '66 bug..... good times.

Slopel May 15th 2003 09:36

<======= -20 when my bug ws born....17 now :D

kdanie May 19th 2003 17:06

Dinosours rulled the earth....
That's how old my teenage daughters think I am... I'm really only 47 and life is still bitchin'!!

Moog May 19th 2003 17:25

I'm 33, and got my first bug when i was 16 - i still have it 17 years later so have owned it for more than half my life...

When can i start my mid-life crisis? That would be a good excuse to blow a years salary at Remelle...

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