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justdubbin January 7th 2004 12:37


What exactly got you started?
I've all ways been into cars, my earliest memories was my third birthday.....wanting cars instead of a bike/trike
I started off with Mini's and come into VW's late in life, early 2000.
Wanting a cool ride but with all the mod cons of a new car.


What keeps you going?
Ummmm not to sure, I think it might be the fact I have oil in my veins instead of blood :D


What excites you the most about the "German look" VW?
Individuality, ohh did I mention I have a 71 bay window bus.
I haven't got the bus the way I want it yet, I'm slowly getting the parts needed so I can take the bus off the road in the summer as it's my daily driver.

NO_H2O January 7th 2004 19:52

What got you started?...

In 1986 a guy that worked at the parts store I used to go to for VW parts had a 73, it was red, shaved and blacked out, race seats, 5 spoke Fuchs, CCC turbo tail, 2275 with 45 Dells and every VDO gauge he could think to put in it. He would run it in Auto-X at a local fairgrounds. Germanlook didn't have a name back then but it was a Bad @$$ Porsche style Bug right down to the black Carrera script on the back of the Turbo tail.

Years later I started seeing the GL cars from Europe pop up in the mags.

Just had to have one.

kdanie January 8th 2004 13:53

What got me started???
I rarely visit the off topic forum, so I am a little late....

I'm not a hard core VW/GL fan and don't live my life around it but....
I liked VWs back in the day (early '70s) and read HVW mag when I could get it. I bought a Manx style buggy in high school, kept it for a couple of years. I have owned about 60 cars and a several motorcycles in the past 35 years, everything from a tiny NSU to a 4x4 Chev pick up, including a custom van (uggh!) and several muscle cars (3 GTOs, 2 SS Chevelles, 4 'Cudas and more). I love anything with an engine and NEVER leave a car stock. I currently own 5 cars-The family minivan(race toaster), '82 BMW 320i (lot's of modifications), my '68 "trash bug" commuter (almost stock), my '68 GL bug project (stealth GL) and a new Scion Xa (1 month old, just installed 17" tires, Eibach springs on the shelf to install very soon).

Why did I decide to build a GL? "Mission Creep"! I bought the trash bug 3 years ago to do a quick low $$ restore for a decent daily driver. I soon realized I needed more HP to keep up with traffic on the freeway and a 5 speed would be nice. I discovered the STF and began on a type 4 engine and Porsche 5 speed conversion. A friend gave me a decent '68 for parts and it turned out to be in better condition than my driver so it went into the garage so I could focus on it and still drive the other to work. Well if you are going to go fast you had better have good brakes so a 944 N/A system was installed and things snowballed from there. It's 2/3rds done and my wife is pretty pissed because it's not finished yet!!

I had to roll it out of the garage so I could do some repairs/maint/new mods to the minivan that have just been completed. Time to install the Eibachs on the Scion then BMW needs to be converted to programable EFI from the Bosch CIS, a header fabricated, and some new aftermarket seats (it will become my new commuter until the GL is completed). Then the GL goes back into the garage for a push to complete it by June when my youngest daughter gets her license and starts driving the BMW to work/school.

Hmmm.... a lot to do in the next six months, considering several people want me to fab some type 4/bug headers and several more want me to fab some good BMW headers. Sooo much to do, sooo little time!!!


chigger February 1st 2004 23:46

I got back into bugs after a long time away from them. I went back to college and I wanted something that went well in the snow and was cheap and easy to work on. Once I bought it I decided to moderize it. Disk brakes so you didn't have to adj the brakes all the time, an oil filter, Pertronics ignitor an electric fan so I would have heat. Well I have been driving that car every day for the last six years and the body is just about rusted away do to the salt on the road. I just love it even if it is stock which is fine for daily use.
Wanting to improve the handling I started looking at mods in that direction. Then came brakes, five speed trans, and a T4 engine. A lot of the modifications were suggested, but there only a few places where you could actually get information which is why I showed up here.
I have all the parts and most of the mechanicals assembled. I am on hold at present since I don't have a job and their aren't any around here.
At present I have 944 disks front and rear. A 901,911 trans with GL style rear reinforcement, a Dragfast shifter converted to 5 speeds, a T4 engine with 1800cc heads, custom exhaust, Dellorto 40mm carbs, 914 guages, BMW seats, and I hope to put in a roll cage. The wheels are Porsche Phonedials with Contential tires 45 series at present as they came with the rims. After I get the Konis and hugh swaybars sorted it, it should corner pretty good.
I may even get around to painting it some day!

oicdn July 11th 2005 14:22

Bringin this thread back from the dead, lol.

I think the fact that the car has HUGE aftermarket. Comparable to that of a Civic, only, the stuff for a Beetle isn't junk like pbnoxious spoilers and retarded body kits with vents, etc. The ratio of crap to useful is alot more in teh favor of useful.

Also, cheap. Brake kits that are worth a damn on imports are $$$$$. I can get Porsche brakes for the same amount, and in the end will see a better performance result.

Also, performance is alot more exponential IMO. Simple HP. And it's noticeable because of the low power:weight ratio. You appreciate the money and work more when you can see differences and results.

Not to mention, a GL beetle looks sicker than anything. I would take a nice GL Beetle over a Porsche anyday.....

Troy_Audio July 11th 2005 18:27

So the question is....
What exactly got you started?
Back @7yrs old or so we had a Bug (Not Sure on year maybe a 67)
My dad let me drive it to school 1 day.. (Funny Thats the day The School Knew who I lil 7yr old Pimp drive'n to school)
Ok I was only able to steer the
I was alway do coloring books with herbie & all that..
in 97 I got my 1st Job & Started to save..
Called my bro in cali asked if he knew anything about them..
He hooked me up with a Friend that worked for Berrnie Burgman
He had a Viper Blue 69 just painted & ready to be put togeather..
I picked it up rust free New paint & a Very Heathy 2176cc Duel Weber 44's
I had to sell the Bug before I was finished dew to a Dirtbike crash..
I will have that sick Bug I see in my 1day

What keeps you going?
This Site Helps me dream of the best things..
I think its to-late for me to be saved Im in for a long time..
I cant wait to pass the Exotc cars in the Turn & know I saved $100k & saved some History
But I will Have The car Of My Dreams

What excites you the most about the "German look" VW?
#1- The Race Ready Parts & Super Proformance You can get out of a Bug/Ghia Im realy in ah with what some of the members have made & are Make'n A-Arm Kits,Massive T-4 DTM's, Sick Audio Systems & Killer rims
I must may I spend 4hrs on this Site everyday waiting for reply'
Peaceout GL'erz Tr+oy

Uber Affe July 11th 2005 23:58

I'll keep it short.
I always wanted a Karman Ghia.
My girlfriend owned a bug.
I almost bought one 3 times before. but talked myself out of it.
I hate the bus and I'm not fond of walking-takes to long.
I bought my girlfriend's bug for $5.00.
That's right, I said FIVE DOLLARS.
Over $3,000 later...hehehe
I am now obssesed with my car as I am everything else I get into.

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