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vujade March 28th 2003 14:06

The VKG Promo Cards are ready!
I will be picking them up at 2pm today.

Zen will be bringing a bunch back for the rest of you guys :D

vujade March 31st 2003 09:46

1 Attachment(s)
The VKG promo cards turned out awesome!

I brought them with me to Jax on Sunday and gave most of them
to Zen for the rest of you guys.

I got to pass out a handful of them to potential new members.
One guy from Orlando has a nice 63 GL with 17" HRE rims & Porsche Big Reds. He was very excited about the club.

Here is a pic of his car...

jhelgesen March 31st 2003 11:10

Nice car, hope he signs up.

NO_H2O March 31st 2003 17:38

Cool ride, hope we hear from him. Did you talk to any more people building or planning GL's?

vujade April 1st 2003 08:52

No, I didnt. The rain put a serious damper on the show for the
first 3 hours, so I didnt get to talk to many people.

zen April 1st 2003 10:18

wish that was what the day looked like at the JAX show. :(

couldn't ahve been crappier weather. save maybe a hurricane.

zen April 1st 2003 10:31

btw, the cards look great.

dave/adrian, need to hook up with you and get you some. certainly before N vs. S for you dave.

vujade April 1st 2003 12:30


Dave can give some to John too while he is there at NvsS

jhelgesen April 1st 2003 14:22

LOL, that makes us all "card carrying members"


NO_H2O April 1st 2003 20:36

Yep I need to carry some to N vs S. I have to work untill Thursday night. How can we hook up? I'll call you.

NO_H2O April 4th 2003 00:45

I got a stack fo card today and they look great, no "They look awsome baby" I will be proud to give them to interested people.

vujade April 6th 2003 17:35

cant wait to hear how it goes at N vs S with the promo cards :)

NO_H2O April 6th 2003 21:52

I saw about 5-6 people interested and gave them cards, also got some to jhelgesen and talked to him for a while. I did have one(card) on display under my wiper blade. I havn't looked at the pix I took yet, I will post pix of some rides of paople that I talked to later.

vujade April 13th 2003 08:35

so has everyone (club members) received some of the VKG cards?

NO_H2O April 13th 2003 11:33

I still need to get a few to Dave Mace. I forgot to give him some when I took him a wheel last night at work. But I have some for him.

zen April 13th 2003 15:03


Originally posted by vujade
so has everyone (club members) received some of the VKG cards?
pillow and i are going to try to hook up in a couple of weeks. he doesn't have any right now. either a trip to jake's or bug-a-poolza will fix that though.

NO_H2O April 13th 2003 19:26

Both would fix it even better:D

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