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vujade July 15th 2003 23:46

Taccoa is right around the corner
We ought to start getting the word out about this show because it is the first official club outing and it is less then 2 months away.

We can use this thread to start planning for accomodations and meeting places & even dates & times.

So come on guys, even if your car wont be ready for this show, we still need to make an appearance to show our support for those that will.

BTW, the SouthEastern Bug Fair #6 will be held on September 7, 2003

jhelgesen July 16th 2003 07:10

Are we going to have some vkg shirts for the show?

vujade July 16th 2003 08:04

I was thinking about that myself. we really should try to have some sort of shirt done for Taccoa

NO_H2O July 16th 2003 08:24

I will be camping, cookin' out and drinkin' beer at the Fairground with everone else(it's a blast). And I will be sporting my VKG T-shirt. Most folks show up Sat. and camp out before the show on Sun. I hope the swap meet is 1/2 as good as last year.

zen July 16th 2003 21:33

will have to find out what accomidations are there. as i recall, there is nothing in the area. camping is not an option for me. big no-no for the wife. :D

i will be sporting my VKG shirt. i will get a black VKG logo up on the merch site this week so everyone can order in time. look for it to be announced here. just been too busy lately.

NO_H2O July 17th 2003 07:55

Aw-come on it's only one night. There will be lot's of other women there. Or us men folk can camp and let the women come up on Sun. morning. We can't miss out on the camp fire smack talkin' with the BK boys. Last year it was a big tent city and a big party.:D

zen July 17th 2003 08:35

not a bad idea. we'll see. i think i am out of the running to have my car there. :(

NO_H2O July 17th 2003 20:39

That sux. We can still shoot for it, if you get the car back by Aug. 1 and have all your parts, and we can "circle the wagens" and get some of the local VKG folks to help put Humpty Dumpty back together.

zen July 27th 2003 18:45

well, looks like 8/1 is not going to happen. chuck was not able to get it completed before heading out this weekend for vacation. so at least another 2 weeks.

i ordered my cup brace from, but it hit backorder. i hate it when that happens. i need that before johnh comes over. will let you know how things progress. i have about 8 million posts to catch up on now. god a week away can kill you.

jhelgesen July 27th 2003 19:23


Got the spindles, so we'll see if I can get started on machining this week or next.

zen July 27th 2003 19:29

cool. was just going to email you on that. take shots so we can use them in a tech article and for your site.

southeastvw July 29th 2003 00:12

Hey boyz!
I just talked to Lee today about Bugfair. Since I was working on the next SEVWC newsletter wanted to know a few things.
Camping will be available Saturday night and just as Dave said, it IS FUN! Lee also is planning to get a big grill to have out there for all of us to smoke some chicken and various meats on. He also said that they were going to provide all of that and all of us bring everything else soooooooooo looks like some good eating as well!

vujade July 29th 2003 00:23

Sounds good Kathy! Looking forward to it. Too bad me & Zen wont have our cars ready for Toccoa :(

Im shooting for Bug Jam to at least have my exterior & interior done. My engine will have to wait til the winter.

Congrats on the new job with Jake :D

NO_H2O July 29th 2003 08:15

Well I guess I will have too clean up Smack Black real good and be representin' for the VKG again. Pillow said he would be there with the GL Westy, Dave Mace should get his long lost 4th Fuch this week and he is going to put in for the time off. So we should have a good many members there. We will have food too smoke and smack to talk.:D Should be a blast.

southeastvw July 29th 2003 09:34

My new job with Jake;)
Ya just started that yesturday, still working out the bugs.
So if any of you call or email, you WILL be talking to me:p

Toccoa is going to be a blast!

NO_H2O July 29th 2003 18:32

Yep, I have already called the shop yesterday and talked to Kathy. If you want to talk to Jake you must go thru "Queen VW":D.

zen July 30th 2003 08:39

dave is trying to talk me into coming up and camping saturday and making the wife and kids drive up on sunday (no way they are camping). he almost has me convinced. at this point i don't stand a chance for my car to be there. but at least i will be there. :)

Pillow August 7th 2003 22:42

I will be there!

... Granted my bus is no show queen. But what the heck :)

I do plan to unload a bunch of parts at Toccoa again which will make the wife happy (less clutter).

I will be with NO_H2O talking smack somewhere Sat night! :)

Toccoa is one of the few shows I actually like.

vujade August 7th 2003 22:49

good to see you Pill0w :D

I will be there too on Saturday.... cyu there!

zen August 8th 2003 07:23

looks like i am coming up Saturday as well. just have to figure out where to stay.

NO_H2O August 8th 2003 07:53

Lets put the women and kids in a hotel room and party/camp with the hardcore folks.:D

zen August 8th 2003 12:56

my women and children are either staying at home or coming up on their own on Sunday (probably the prior). ian may raise some hell about having to miss the show though. for a 3 year old, he likes his cars.

southeastvw August 11th 2003 14:15

Women and children in motel rooms or at home?????:mad:
HELL NO! I will be out there with all you guys Saturday night camping:D
I don't know if our two boys will be there or not, but even if they are, they know everyone, so I don't have to worry as much!
I have all the info for the Bugfair here For those of you that are to wimpy to camp and party with us on Saturday night, the hotels are listed on there:silly:
Oh and if you are going to bring stuff to sell(Pillow) better get there Saturday or early sunday. I have already talked to both of them and the spots are filling up fast!

Pillow August 12th 2003 00:32

Thanks for the tip Kathy! Last year I got there Saturday afternoon and it was filling up then and people coming out for the pre-game swapping... Really odd, but what the heck.

I need to talk to Jake about a pre-sale of sorts in exchange for some work/labor on a T5 conversion. Cleaning out the basement and have A LOT of T4 stuff that I do not need. When I say a lot that means a whole darn 8' truck load! Tinware cranks cases blah blah blah. Too much effort to sell piecemeal = time :(

Anyway I hope to be a buyer this year at the show instead of pawning stuff off. It is quite a lot of work.

As for camping I bring my own home :) Westi style baby!

Take Care,

NO_H2O August 26th 2003 08:07

Hey Pillow, are you taking stuff to sell at the swap meet? I have some stuff but not enough to get a space, most of it will fit in the GL but I do have a transaxle(got to figure out a way to get it there, I think a guy from Bama is going to pick it up $75) Need to raise some cash for the 901:D

vujade August 26th 2003 10:27

Dave, Ive got some stuff for sale too.
Maybe we can have a VKG swap table?

zen August 26th 2003 10:43

i have just a couple of items. i know overspray is getting a space. not sure if he will let german look guys in though. :D

jhelgesen August 26th 2003 10:54

I'm sure I have a few parts to spare. Is it too late to get a VKG spot?

vujade August 26th 2003 11:13

I dont think so, I could call if you want?

jhelgesen August 26th 2003 12:56

Sure, why don't we get a VKG spot for the swapmeet. I'm sure we could all bring plenty to sell, and maybe make a few donations to the club from the proceeds.

yetibone August 26th 2003 21:13

I'm hip. I need to get rid of some stuff from Sue's 1302.

BTW, we will be there Saturday to camp. We're gonna try to find a trailer to bring Hummbug 'cause it's a 6 hr. drive from NC, and I don't quite trust the Beetle for such a great distance yet.

Besides, I might need my truck if I find some parts I can't live without:D

Either way, Bug or no Bug, we'll be there!!


vujade August 31st 2003 11:04

Toccoa is only a week away! :D

NO_H2O August 31st 2003 16:13

Oh Yea. Got to clean up some parts and see what I'm bringin'. Clean up Smack Black and make a Load to Zens and see if we can get the wiring in his GL. I will take the 10x10 canopy and a tarp to Zens so he can bring them to the show for some shade and a place to set the parts. I will also take a small folding table for small parts, club cards and stuff. Zen and Joe should print up some progress pix of their cars to put out on the table. And my VKG shirt will be clean and ready for Sun.
I'm fired up.:D

jhelgesen August 31st 2003 16:43

I got a few parts and goodies to sell, another sun shade, and my list of stuff to look for. Mostly I need a pair of manifolds for my 40 idf's to go on a t4. Might look for some carbs for the 412.

zen August 31st 2003 20:05

john, don't forget that sleeping/body bag and a reserved tent space for me. :D

i still need to pull my parts out. but i will have a small assortment.

NO_H2O September 1st 2003 02:35

Well I just read that the SEVWC club cook out is a bust. They could not get a big grill. So do you guy's want to do a VKG Grill out or is it every man for himself?

vujade September 1st 2003 08:38

I think a club grillout would be the way to go :D

zen September 1st 2003 09:55

i have no grill. i vote for the rinky-dink VKG grill. i will probably pack something as a backup too.

yetibone September 1st 2003 10:52

How big a grill would you need? I could bring one.


zen September 1st 2003 13:44

they were trying to get one of those big a$$ ones for all camping in the SEVWC. that is what went bust. so we need to at least try to cover the VKG guys camping. i think we are at around 7-10 of us. we could use a count off.

i am bringing me and joe.

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