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oasis June 1st 2006 04:24

time-elapse log-out
Has the automatic log-out been shortened in elapsed time? I know I can be long-winded in typing my responses but I don't remember being locked out when I hit the <submit reply> button in the past. It has happened a number of times recently, however.

wrenchnride247 June 1st 2006 13:29

Same goes for me

zen June 2nd 2006 17:18

i haven't made any changes up to the other day when i upgrade the forums. that setting my have been overwritten. i will check. not sure what it was, but i will set it to something reasonable. as i have cussed a few times from that problem myself, make it habit with really long posts to copy the content before submitting. i can't extend it indefinitely due to system impacts.

oasis June 3rd 2006 17:48

I'm not even sure if it is too short of a duration. It just seemed much shorter than before.

At least, I could hit the <back> button and still retrieve what I had typed. There are some sites that time you out, won't "send" when you hit <send>, and shows you a blank area when you try to go back. Now, that REALLY stinks when that happens at other sites.

zen June 4th 2006 10:16

well, i have been through just about every setting in this program and haven't found it yet. although i did turn on some other new functions. i will keep looking and post when adjusted.

oasis September 24th 2006 00:56

It happened again. It couldn't have taken more than 5 or so minutes for me to type a response. What's worse, when I re-log back in, my "New Posts" are only listed as those since the aborted login -- this time was one post rather than the 15-20 I got five minutes earlier. Very disturbing.

zen September 24th 2006 09:53

Doh. Fell off my radar. I will see what I can find on their forums. I have been unsuccessful in find any timeout settings in the product dashboard. Keep in mind the number of networking links to get you to the site and back. Each can have their own session timeout configs including some of the O/S functions on the server (below the software stack).

Is anyone else seeing the same timing, timing out at a different time or not having any issue at all with long posts? This would give some indication if the problem is on the server/software or possibly based on the endusers' ISP.

zen September 24th 2006 09:56

i failed to add that the new posts missing when you came back is normal. that function is session-based and driven by cookie placement on your system when you first come back to the board. it was accurate in there not being any new posts since the last time you were on. unfortunately there is no way around that.

wrenchnride247 September 24th 2006 20:38

I've had the same problems. Now, I just preview every few minutes or so. This seem's too help me anyway.

oasis September 26th 2006 12:01

I just discovered another quirk.

I was reading some Suby-conversion passages and when I went back to the home page, I saw the sign-in boxes to do all over again. (I couldn't have been reading for more than four minutes.) And yet at the same time, I was listed at the bottom as being signed in.

I could click my name, change my profile, check on other public profiles, go through any existing thread ... but not post a reply. Furthermore, I could not logout until I logged back in. (I don't know how long I would have been listed as being logged on had I not re-logged on and logged out.)

oasis November 6th 2008 10:49

Oh, no, this is happening again ... I was "timed-out" after two stinking minutes.

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