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Glock January 4th 2007 14:20

Ok lets do this proper like! Jan. Meet
The dates that have been thrown out are the 9th and 16th.I'm good for both days Discuss!!!! :eek:

chug_A_bug January 4th 2007 18:51

I'm game :)

petevw January 4th 2007 19:33

Let's make it the 9th.

The 16th is close to the due date of me becoming a uncle.:eek:

Alex January 4th 2007 21:10

9th sounds good to me. I dad is leaving that day and I could use some support then.....2 beers should do it ;-)


Glock January 5th 2007 01:02

9th is great for me And may I introduce my latest wheel choice for the bug. Sorry Chris...

Rob January 5th 2007 09:48

So far I'm good for the 9th....

BTW, nice rims !!


Sandeep January 5th 2007 16:46

I should be able to make the 9th.


chug_A_bug January 5th 2007 21:15

the 9th is cool for me :)


Rob January 6th 2007 15:07

Glock, since you are in watercooled VW's as well; do you happen to have a golf fuelpump you want to sell ?
I'm using one on the bug (the round in-line ones), but it is leaking....


Glock January 6th 2007 17:28

Ro I think you are looking for a digifant pump which I don't have ,I think CIS pumps would be too much pressure.BUt I can ask around the lab for you!

Rob January 6th 2007 18:26

It's this one:

But I guess any inline pump will do, keep in mind I'm running a FI 2.5L subaru motor.

Thanks again!


Glock January 8th 2007 10:47

Ok so it's officially the 9TH? And Rob I do not have a pump like that kicking around.... See you guys tomorrow night.

CLKWRK January 8th 2007 12:13

Lanner, I'll bring the pulley for you
Rob, I'll bring the duck tail for you
Pete, if you are going, please bring both cummings pumps

Are we meeting at 8? 8:30 I forget what time

Btw Rob thats the fuel pump I am using too, Bosch from a 1985 golf gti

flat January 8th 2007 20:57

I'm down. I'll be there at 8.


chug_A_bug January 8th 2007 22:13

hey guys WHATS the name of the pub again??

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