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jakriz February 12th 2004 04:04

My dvd of racing
Could the forum Moderators please email me ( ) & give me their postal address as I have a DVD of my racing from last year with the Porsche club, it has 30 minutes of incar footage in the wet , & 40 minutes of outside footage from all the tracks throughout the year.
If u are interested , please email me. :agree:

Jak Rizzo

Sandeep February 12th 2004 10:21


I would like a copy ! I will email me address to you. It would be cool if we could distribute it to all interested through this website.



SuperRSi February 12th 2004 17:18

Count me in. I would purchase a copy.



boygenius February 12th 2004 20:11

I will purchase a copy. :)

jakriz February 13th 2004 01:50

they are not for sale guys they are for free.
Just send me your address ( I will post them to u. I can make the copies for nothing on my computer & it only costs $5 or so to send it to u.


Chris Percival February 13th 2004 04:23

I am interested too Jak, though would cost a bit more to post to me.. I could paypal you some money in return?

jakriz February 13th 2004 05:41

its fine Chris, just email me your address,

Tim February 13th 2004 10:19

Hello Jak,

If you don't mind, I would like a copy too. I used to race with my friend's Toyota AE86 in China and I am now building a VW1303 for the race. There must be a lot for me to learn from you and your DVD. Can I email you my postal address?

Thanks and regards

jakriz February 13th 2004 22:13

No worries Tim ,just email me.

Its not the best so keep your expectations low & if u like it then it's a bonus :)


jakriz February 17th 2004 04:13

I've sent 5 dvd's to the usa today, I'll send the rest to the other guys at the end of the week.

oasis February 24th 2004 13:12

Yesterday, I was feeling blue because ... well, because I'm an idiot who vacillates between taking life too seriously and not at all seriously, and ... okay, this is too off topic. Anyway, after my typical two hour commute home from work became 3:20, I looked inside the mailbox and there was a CD-sized package amongst the rubbish. I hadn't ordered or "won" on eBay anything recently, so I assumed it was some medical CD for my wife or something scholastic for my daughter.

Much to my delight, I saw it was addressed to me from Australia. I now knew exactly what it was as the only other connection I ever had with Down Under was my tennis coach of three years was Australian. I didn't change clothes or anything; I immediately popped the DVD into the laptop.

Very enjoyable!

When my wife and daughter came home the latter's piano lesson, they were fascinated as well even if their attention span was considerably shorter. They did pose a question I couldn't answer, though. How fast were you going?

I love track racing. No offense to those who like drag racing and oval tracks, but this is the stuff I really enjoy. And it brought me out of my stupid mood, too.

I'm going to show this to my mechanic when I get the chance. He sort of frowns on the idea of me wanting to GL a Super Beetle so I can feel happy on the highway.

Thank you very much, Jak!

jakriz February 24th 2004 16:03

I'm just glad that it actually got there! Don't worry, u will get sik of it.
The footage incar in the wet was 17 seconds slower per lap than in the dry, so it would a little faster in better conditions.
Top speed at the end of the track was only 175kph (108mph), but u can see the conditions just didn't allow me to get a better run onto the straight. In the dry I can hit 190kph (118mph), thats just allowing me enough time to get on the brakes before turn one.
This year I have bought myself a new digital video camera & I will take a few laps of everytrack throughout the year & compile another one.
With my new 2275cc engine it should be alittle faster too.

samcat February 24th 2004 17:56

I'll take a dvd Jack, will pm you my address now.
Let me know if you want any cash for it... Or I can chuck a fiver to charity :)

Cheers for now,
Sam C

jakriz April 5th 2004 16:32

I've now sent 15 DVD's around the world & have had only 1 person tell me that they have recieved 1.
Can people please give me a courtesy email telling me that they got it , even if u didn't like it, at least I know it got there.

Chris Percival April 5th 2004 17:59

Thanks Jak, will let you know as soon as it arrives..

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