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oasis June 11th 2007 10:24

Main page
I have a link directly to the forums which is working fine but I also have a link to the main page. I accidently clicked to the latter and I got some hacker's message. Anyone else?

al_kaholik June 11th 2007 16:46

Yup - just when I need some of the tech articles :(

DORIGTT June 11th 2007 17:55

If they don't like ACVW's then don't come here... I just don't understand the mentality of hackers. If you're that smart, then do something productive instead of destructive. If there wasn't the safety of hiding behind their screen names and such, a serious butt-whippin would be in order! I say we round them all up and have a line up and hose the weasel(s) down with paintballs starting at the outer extremities and working our way inward and with the grand finale hitting the dad-bags.:agree:

yetibone June 11th 2007 19:23

Zen, front and center...

yellrhd June 12th 2007 01:01

Yeah I got the same one
Hope it didn't have a chance to do anything to my computer

djmatio June 12th 2007 02:13

Someone needs a Juniper IDP... Keep those euro c*cksuckers from hacking.

Ziptar June 12th 2007 09:06

I don't think they are ACVW haters..

Just a script kiddie, more than likely a 12 YO that found a script for an Apache exploit. He probably spent all night banging the same script against a bazillion websites so he could deface one or two just so he could post on the forums at to impress the other twelve year olds.

Check out their forums, nothing but talk of "hacking" which seems to amount to nothing more than main page defacement and downloading "Warez" (pirated software).

Kind of funny, while I can't red turk, it looks reminiscent of so many "Elite Hacker" type script kiddie websites circa 1997 when any kid with a copy of a script for an exploit thought he could rule the world.

Kind of sad an pathetic really.. The main page defacement hack is soooooooo last century, it takes no skill, has no real impact, and is nothing more than a kid writing graffiti on a wall with a rattle can.

Delete his index.htm, put the original back, let your host know so they can patch the exploit or make sure you have the most current Apache, and maybe change the document root to something non default if you haven't already. Script kiddies count on people using default directories.

Move on, nothing to see here.

zen June 12th 2007 09:23

thanks for the post guys. i don't get on here but occasionally lately and was not aware of it until this morning. it will be tonight or tomorrow before i can fix it.

hackers and theives just plain piss me off!!!!!!!!!! i seldom feel true hatred in my heart. these two categories bring it out in me. there is absolutely no reason for this ********. the ****er better be glad he is in turkey. i can only hope he is close enough to the right side border to catch some collateral damage.

zen June 12th 2007 19:33

Fixed...for now.

Scotts73SB June 12th 2007 23:01

I will update my bookmark to go right into the forums.. and hopefully not stress when i cant get in for 2 days again :D

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