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adaptorman May 12th 2006 04:41

how mad will this be in my bug (check the video)?
had a old rotting71 bug sat on my yard and was going to scrap it after reading some amazing projects on here ive decided to have a go ?it wont be as mint as some ive seen but shud go ok on my bug yesterday i decied to cut a expolice car up in inplant a 20valave 280bhp volvo t5 turbo engine and manual gearbox in the back of my bug?as the standerd 220bhp moter dose 0/60mph in 6 seconds in a 2 and a quarter ton moter shud go and cruise well on moterway ,a few good ideas is that my bug will have a rear boot lol,and look standerd apart from the t5 alloys and still have room for a nify rear seat?
check this 280bhp volvo out gives u some ideas how well they pull in a volvo?
ive just ripped the rear out and roughly sat it in the rear and sorted ecu wireing out and sounds nice for a 5clyinder lump?
hope some of you like my idea? all coments welcome as im new to this site? :D

zeroaxe May 12th 2006 11:57

Love it! Why dump a rusted Bug if you can cut it up and try put a different motor in it!? Sure, it might not work first time around, but you will have enough experience, me thinks, to get it right on a Bug that is in better nick!(not saying it would work this time of course). :agree:

volkdent May 12th 2006 12:23

Hey! Those pics look erily familiar! Of course in my case the car is not on its side and the steering rack is on the other side, but it's pretty similar! Good luck, it's a lot of fun.


vwdmc16 May 12th 2006 13:25

ow my neck got crooked looking at the pictures, but nice project

Pillow May 12th 2006 21:39

New respect for a Volvo!

zeroaxe May 13th 2006 01:23

PS. I had a look at the video last night. INSANE! :eek: If I am guessing right, just after that guy made a left hand turn, he changed to second, and the car started a rolling burnout into 3rd gear!? The only other car that I have seen it do so far(and rode in) was a Fiat Uno with a Toyota twin cam 16v Turbo'd motor. The guy could keep the car straight with all that power. He spun that thing all the way into 4th gear :eek: That was the fastest car that I have ever been in.

Now, if you can get that motor to work in a would be INSANE! (just make sure you got HUGE truck brakes on it, because you will need serious stopping power :laugh: )

Steve C May 13th 2006 05:01


At least your going to fit the motor in correct end of your car, so you should have some traction.


adaptorman May 13th 2006 06:18


Originally Posted by zeroaxe
PS. I had a look at the video last night. INSANE! :eek: If I am guessing right, just after that guy made a left hand turn, he changed to second, and the car started a rolling burnout into 3rd gear!? The only other car that I have seen it do so far(and rode in) was a Fiat Uno with a Toyota twin cam 16v Turbo'd motor. The guy could keep the car straight with all that power. He spun that thing all the way into 4th gear :eek: That was the fastest car that I have ever been in.

Now, if you can get that motor to work in a would be INSANE! (just make sure you got HUGE truck brakes on it, because you will need serious stopping power :laugh: )

lol cheers matey i was going to leave the standerd drum bracks on????lol lol then thought better get some discs on it lol
tuck me a day and half to remove the engine loom ,i needed roughly fit it in my bug had it started sounds wickid,i fetched the moter back i did 150mph so has to do the same in bug lol manual too ,as most are autos?im going to have to make a roll cage which i didnt want to do lol

adaptorman May 13th 2006 06:21


Originally Posted by Steve C

At least your going to fit the motor in correct end of your car, so you should have some traction.


yearh i think ur right steve i was thinking the same it will either grip or wheelie ?i dont think ill be operning the bugger up straight away ,as ive go to make sure the engines mounted strong lol

Steve C May 13th 2006 09:34


Those Volvo wheels look good as well. Do you guys have the Volvo add over your way? "Bloody Volvo drivers"


adaptorman May 13th 2006 18:51


Originally Posted by Steve C

Those Volvo wheels look good as well. Do you guys have the Volvo add over your way? "Bloody Volvo drivers"


cheers lol i thought might as well fit the wheels maybe safer ?(im not over keen on volvo cars but engines seem to be good?) :D just hope it will be worth it in the end?

chug_A_bug May 15th 2006 18:48

dude that's going to be CRAZY and I'm a hardcore aircooled guy too but I really like the s40 and to have the T5 well that's just sweet hope things go well man and keep us up dated pics video :eek:

69 GL
72 1641cc stock
new 2180cc

adaptorman May 15th 2006 19:01


Originally Posted by chug_A_bug
dude that's going to be CRAZY and I'm a hardcore aircooled guy too but I really like the s40 and to have the T5 well that's just sweet hope things go well man and keep us up dated pics video :eek:

69 GL
72 1641cc stock
new 2180cc

well hope so ive got the bugger in and front monts are sorted best thing is everything ive done so far hasnt cost me a bloody penny(other then my time )so thought lets have a t5 bug as i tryed foriums and internert could not find one ,so thought id have a stab nothing to lose i gess lol

adaptorman May 22nd 2006 05:35

couple of the front mounts yesterday (weathers stopped work again

adaptorman June 1st 2006 20:33

a few more here

Originally Posted by adaptorman
couple of the front mounts yesterday (weathers stopped work again

home made struts

engine and some rear strenth

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