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VRSICK December 4th 2004 21:13

Shoptalkforums Hacked!!!!
Wow, never thought i'd see this...

Went to the shoptalkforums, and its hacked! The hacker obviously made his handle known, the site is just one page that says "Site's been hacked"

Wow, hope that doesn't happen here...... :eek:

super vw December 4th 2004 21:17

yeah, i thought that was kinda funny... but then again it totaly sucks we cant use it!

the web is a very unsecure place.

rustbucket December 5th 2004 00:13

You can still get it at

They only hacked the main page. I hope they get it fixed for everyone though. They traffic is way down.

boygenius December 5th 2004 09:29

Hackers and spammers should all be hanged. :mad: :agree:

Panelfantastic December 5th 2004 10:41

I'm with BG, that is the most senseless shiate I have ever seen.
If a guy was that smart and had that much time on his hands, he could be doing some awesome stuff! What's so empowering about crashing a VW tech site? Guy is a F'n loser, complete loser.

Bugscandrift December 5th 2004 13:01

Why couldnt he have crashed a honda site? I think that would be a better use of his time. Lol. :laugh:

vujade December 5th 2004 21:07

you can still access STF from this link....

Poor Realist December 5th 2004 21:31

Here's the source if that helps anyone....



<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Дефейсить не красиво...</TITLE>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"></HEAD>
<BODY text=#999999 bgColor=#000000>

<TABLE style="FILTER: glow(color=red, strength=10)" border=0>
<STRONG><FONT size=10>Die-Faced</FONT></STRONG>


<TABLE style="FILTER: glow(color=red, strength=10)" border=0>


<TABLE style="FILTER: glow(color=red, strength=10)" border=0>
<STRONG><FONT size=10>ShowTime</FONT></STRONG>

<marquee><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="0"> :::HACKED:::

<center>HCKED BY <b><pre><h4>cl.killer</h4></pre></b></center>
GREEETZ: <b><h4>NWOteam</h4></b>
RESPECT MAN::: Pengo::: KiLLER ::: shadoW :::
<b>Админ думай жопой больше шансов)))</b>

Bugscandrift December 6th 2004 22:32

I dont know what that is.. If someone is able to find out who it was, i have my pitchfork and torch ready.

Chris Percival December 7th 2004 04:38

Some familier names on the right of this webpage:

danielzink December 8th 2004 09:10

Is the STF down completely now ?

I haven't been able to get to it since Tue. eve.

Even using the index.php........???........


rustbucket December 8th 2004 09:49

Yeah, I'm having the same problem. Maybe they pissed the hackers off caliing them amateurs!

Racelook December 8th 2004 17:03

It's back from yesterday.

just type in;

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