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bow October 25th 2005 22:18

shaving weight
i know most people on this fourm go for even weight but i just want to know if it is possible for a bug to weigh 800 lbs with a stock body just moded with a fiber glass font end

Lazarus October 26th 2005 08:45

i dont think fiberglass shaves that much weight. i do know carbon fiber is quite a bit lighter.

beetle1303 October 26th 2005 16:42

from what i know, 800 lbs=362.87392 kg. This is a "bit" imaginary i believe.
My engine was weighted (calculated) at 135 kg. add the gearbox, the pan, suspension, brakes, drivetrain. IMO is out of physicaly possible, Just from the mechanicals... Racing bugs in Greece come close to 650 - 700 kgs (1433.00 - 1543.23lbs) with stock metal bodywork,fenders, bumpers, rollcage, buckets, stripped interior

units convrted at :


LLVWGL November 1st 2005 02:53

maybe if the chasis and body are entirely carbon fiber, and it is airtight inside, then, maybe fill it with helium ;)

bow November 1st 2005 18:43

yeah that would work but u would die in the 30sec it took you to get on the track

Bebobug February 4th 2006 01:11


Originally Posted by bow
yeah that would work but u would die in the 30sec it took you to get on the track

& you would probably be heading the wrong way without a care. :haveadrin

oasis February 4th 2006 12:05

I know some realize this already but I should point out that race cars such as NASCAR and Formula One are made of a carbon fiber/kevlar composite. When cars collide either with each other or an embankment of some kind, the cloud of dust as that section of car explodes is the carbon fiber whereas the shredded body parts still clinging on to each other are what's left -- the kevlar.

Also, there is more science to it than just lighten everything. If the body were straight-swapped metal for composite, the front/rear ratio of weight balance would be exaggerated. In other words, a mid-engined car like a 914 would not have too much of an effect; a rear-engined car like a Beetle/Super Beetle would be worse.

bow February 4th 2006 19:10

dang man what posessed you to post on this topic. :confused: i mean thanks but it has been sept since someone has posted. does anyone by chance know where to get fiber glass doors and how much they cost because im thinking of buliding a few

thanks bo

Wesayso February 5th 2006 10:40

Here are some Carbon examples:

Scroll al the way down, they are made by Carpe Diem Racing (not yet a site available)

oasis February 5th 2006 17:31


Originally Posted by bow
dang man what posessed you to post on this topic. :confused: i mean thanks but it has been sept since someone has posted.

Who are you talking to? Besides, I didn't know there was time limit on making responses. Furthermore, this thread started in late October.

volkdent February 5th 2006 19:22

Changing out stock parts for fiberglass parts will save a lot of weight. I have 2" wider CCC fenders and they are much lighter than stock steel. I also purchased a CCC W decklid, and its is featherweight compared with stock. I'll probably get a CCC hood as well. Those changes will probably remove 75 lbs from the car.


bow February 6th 2006 20:29

im sorry oisas i wasnt talkin 2 u and im srry i didnt mean to get the dates mixed up and no there isnt a time limit on posting. also can you get those doors here in the states and how hard do you guys think it would be to make some

NO_H2O February 7th 2006 20:56

acid dip can remove a good bit of weight depending on how long you leave it in. You can realy loose some pounds but it will get thin. :agree:

Lazarus February 7th 2006 23:23

and hope you have no rust. acid will eat even a small rust spot all the way out back to good metal.the guy who painted my car told me about a 69 camaro he restored for someone who had insisted on an acid bath. before the car went in the owner had been offered 18,000 for the car. when it came out the otherside todd (the paint guy) said he wanted to check the vin to make sure it was the same car. he also said he wouldnt have given the guy $180 for it. however when it was completed todd said the old car was right as the weather, and was one of the most sound cars he has ever done. and now theres not even the mention of rust on it. so there is good and bad.

bow February 9th 2006 23:19

i just thought he was kiddin but he was for real wasnt he

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