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OLMEC April 10th 2005 14:32

Air Conditioning???
Is anyone here running A/C on their GL? If so, what type are you running and what would you recommend for a newbie building a powerplant in an area where A\C is a MUST???? Planning on using TYPE4 powerplant..... :)

Troy_Audio April 11th 2005 00:15

Yeah I want to knwo too..
Peace Troy

oasis April 11th 2005 07:45

There's a company called ICE. I don't know what it stands for or where they are located. I read their system is fairly efficient and offers less power drain when running than typical a/c units for a/c cars. Hmmm. Anyway, I did a search and came up fairly empty. I must have read about ICE in a different forum. Sorry I'm not more help.

Bogaat April 11th 2005 11:20 has a kit that is supposed to be solid. Jake even sells brackets to mount their compressor (Gilmore) on a type 4 engine. Complete package. I am planning on doing this sometime next year. Let us know if you do this and please post pics.

vujade April 11th 2005 11:47

I hear this setup is supposed to be really good... Gilmore

beetle1303 April 11th 2005 20:35

Is site down or its just me?


Massive Type IV April 14th 2005 23:16

Yep, the DTM is available with brackets for use with the Gilmore system.

SilverBullet April 19th 2005 03:38

Anyone has a nicely fabricated a/c bracket with compressor for T4 with porsche fan setup?

type34inKY May 25th 2005 08:44

The btlmex site also offers complete A/C for $995 I believe.

rustbucket May 25th 2005 12:02

Here's the link to Btlmex's system. It's $1500, and only works on 73-79 cars. I imagine that means Supers only.

type34inKY May 25th 2005 12:25


Originally Posted by rustbucket
I imagine that means Supers only.

I guess the price went up since I last looked. I don't believe it is for supers, as they dealt strictly with Mexican Beetles, which were ALL standard.

rustbucket May 25th 2005 16:43

You're probably right. I always think of supers when I see 73-79.

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