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MattKab January 28th 2005 20:35

Hard cornering T4 Bug - Oiling
I'm preparing to assemble a T4 for my Beetle. I can get my oil light (healthy 1.6 T1) on by cornering tight. I try not to which impeads the thrill.

I never want to lose the OP in my T4.

The T4 deep sump kits look almost useless for my application, this is a real street car (high road tax, lot's of holes in road, lots of ramps in road, etc.) Stateside Tuning offer a 2-stage dry-sump pump for a measley £99. Also CSP offer one for €153.

I have a stock P914 oil pick-up tube/windage tray/4 seals, and I've read comments about 914 drivers 'getting the light on' whilst having 'good bearings' and also reference JR's mods to the 'tray..

Anybody got any news about these 'cheap' dry-sump pumps? Cheap as opposed to the ARP(?) 3-stage pump at £300.

Are these pumps cheap Chi-nee? Is the volume poor on the high pressure side? Iron bodied?

Help! time to buy..


NO_H2O January 28th 2005 21:30

You need to weld in 2 baffle plates that run parallel to the case seam. Weld them to the oil pick-up, one on each side of the pick-up to block the path from one side to the other. Leave a small gap at each end.

Sandeep January 28th 2005 21:32


I'm in the same boat as you .. I can get my oil light to go on by just braking really hard ... I'm looking at a 2 stage pump as well, just waiting for Raby to finish testing his version before i commit.

You usually pay for quality is what I hear ... the CB pump is not supposed to have an adequete (sp?) suction stage but I have nothing but hearsay to back that up.

Good luck in your search though


MattKab January 29th 2005 11:23

Thanks Sandeep, I now believe it is a CB pump. Assuming they're made to the same tolerances as the wet-sump pumps, the issue is the suction side losing it's prime?...

Adding paddles to the pick-up tube is a good suggestion, more to think about..



NO_H2O January 29th 2005 12:46

I saw the weld in baffle done on Jakes 914 race engine this week when I was up there. It was going together as we were doing exhaust system testing on the new A-1 header, BAS, Turbo Thomas and Tangerine.

judgie January 30th 2005 10:47

hello mate
dont think cb make that pump any more,i'm running a 3 stage pump from stateside and it's fooking brillent.speak to james at stateside and see what hae says.
cheers rob

MattKab January 30th 2005 15:28

Hi Rob, will you be taking your Bug to Dubfreeze?

I was talking to JC at Bug Jam lastyear, He had a 3-stage on the Stateside stall. It was sold, and not a second later, the new owner arrived to pick it up. He was not pleased to see his pump with no box!

I do think I need a dry-sump.


judgie January 30th 2005 15:33

hello mate
should be going to dubfreez but not shaw in what yet,my engine is in bit's after a valve head falling of!waiting for pistons to come back from the machine might be going in the wizard.
cheers rob

Wally January 30th 2005 17:24

Be sure to think about clearence issues with headers when you buy a dry sump pump for the type 4. 3-stage seems almost impossible to me with a 21153 BAS header for example.
Just a thought.


justdubbin January 30th 2005 17:39


Originally Posted by MattKab
I'm preparing to assemble a T4 for my Beetle. I can get my oil light (healthy 1.6 T1) on by cornering tight. I try not to which impeads the thrill.

I never want to lose the OP in my T4.

The T4 deep sump kits look almost useless for my application, this is a real street car (high road tax, lot's of holes in road, lots of ramps in road, etc.)


Matt what are you trying to say about our delightful British roads????
Don't you think there up to scratch :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

MattKab January 30th 2005 18:53

Yes are roads are bad. The 'tram-lining' I suffer in lane1 and sometimes lane2 re-enforces my need for a T4. I need to cruise with the new cars without overbeasting my T1.

...And the pot holed roads will not get resurfaced because of the bloody speed ramps. The wishbone/balljoint/shock absorber/exhaust industry is booming. The ministry is contemplating ripping them up....How odd is that?

Imagine stubbing a deep-sump on one of those square, ambulance friendly ramps? Ouch..

On the other hand there is plenty of open road just 40mins from ANYWHERE in the Uk, tho' it's easy to forget.

Only tonight I first test fitted my T4 ( :) ), just the 'case and #1/#2 'head. I was a little surprised just how much longer the T4 is. The CB pump just seemed to good to be true. Thanks for putting me off :D

My choice of crank pulley will permit a dry-sump pump. Fan speed will be 92% of T1 with a flat belt.


Chris Percival January 31st 2005 07:15

Whats your rear ride height? I ran a deep sump on my T1 engine, which eliminated any oil pickup issues I had on the track. I plan on using a deep sump on my T4 for the same reason, once its run in.. A dry sump pump won't clear my current exhaust, or my pully for that matter...

PS. When are you planning on doing the Nurburgring? Thats an aim for me too, be cool to go together?

MattKab January 31st 2005 08:59

Hi Chris,

My rear is down about 40mm.

I want a 2-stage pump I think...

Maybe summer '06 we can storm the 'ring? I need my engine and trans ready beforehand. I must be able to bury GTi's. I want to get round in less than 10mins :cool:


Chris Percival January 31st 2005 10:02

Sounds good! Might be able to get a couple more dubs to join us.. How cool would that be.. :)

judgie February 1st 2005 14:29

iam up for the ring.
cheers rob

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