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nick73sb November 17th 2004 02:20

access denied!
first i would like to say, great site, full of usefull info.

i was trying to post in the trans section, and after logging in i was told i don't have access. "either i have been kicked or not activated"

do i have to post somewhere else first?


(pooter) username

Superman November 17th 2004 03:53

You're not logged in, you've made this post as a guest. Did you receive the validation email and confirm your registration? You're not going to be able to post until that is done.

Pooter November 17th 2004 22:09

ok, thanks superman

boygenius November 18th 2004 01:06

I didn't think it was even possible for a guest to post...

Pooter November 18th 2004 02:02

have gotten the e-mail,and followed the link to enter the access code, and the following message appears:

" .We could not activate your account because this web address is not valid. Make sure that you have the entire address from the email, and that your email client has not split the address over several lines.

Please try again with the full address from the email that you received. If it still does not work, try filling in the activation form:
Activation form

If you do not know your activation code, you can find it in the email that was sent to you when you first registered. To have it sent again, please click here:
Send new email with activation code.

sorry to make this so complicated!

If all else fails, email the administrator, making sure that you include your registered email address and username

zen November 18th 2004 09:41

are you using a free mail service (i.e. hotmail, yahoo...)? these are prohibitted and may be causing this issue.

Superman November 18th 2004 20:34

I checked his profile (via the Mod CP), he has an AOL email address. The AOL software (don't get me started!) doesn't support HTML so he has been unable to click on the confirmation link in the email. His member group is "Awaiting Email Confirmation". This has been the whole problem, the validation email was not confirmed.

Pooter, you need to copy and paste the validation link from your AOL email to your AOL browser and then press enter. This will correct the problem.

zen November 18th 2004 21:21

thanks super.

pooter, then stop using the AOL browser as it really bites and go with IE or Firefox. you will find live to be much more pleasant.

Pooter March 9th 2005 02:27

Wow, I see you guys were abel to finger it out. I had given up. I recently have gotten a second wind on my project and have been back lurking.

I was wondering if it is possible that the confirmation E-mail could be re-sent.

again sorry to be so much trouble.

yes, I have aol.

try sending to this addy


EDIT: BTW I use firefox, it is MUCH better!!

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