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NO_H2O August 21st 2006 23:02

Oasis's car in the DTM shop for an upgrade
Dennis drove her down from MD to get a 2056/RAT B Transaxle and some gauges, etc. And we jumped right on it. Type 1 is out. old apron is off, new Euro style FI apron is welded in and she is ready to go to the paint shop to have it and the front spoiler painted so we can get bake to the conversion. It should make it debut at Taccoa.

Mikey August 22nd 2006 01:52

Pictures!!! :D

oasis August 22nd 2006 02:07


Originally Posted by NO_H2O
Type 1 is out.

It took longer to drive me to the Amtrak station than to do this. ;)

(I found out why Atlanta, home to a monstrous airport, has such a rinky-dink train station. Only two passenger trains pass through each day. One goes New Orleans to New York; the other New York to New Orleans. The rest of the track traffic is CSX freight. Also, within 45 minutes after you dropped me off, it was packed like a sardine can with everyone yelling at each other in something sort of resembling English.)


Originally Posted by NO_H2O
It should make it debut at Taccoa.

I already have my return train ticket. :laugh:

NO_H2O August 22nd 2006 03:37

I will get some pix. I forgot my camera every day so far:eek:
I did get Kevin's wife to take a shot of the car with the apron removed. I hope Bobby can get it in to shoot the apron and spoiler by Thurs so we can get with it this weekend.

wrenchnride247 August 22nd 2006 11:13

Another GL at Taccoa! This show is looking better and better:D .
Makes me wish mine was ready:( .

oasis August 22nd 2006 23:41


Originally Posted by wrenchnride247
Another GL at Taccoa! This show is looking better and better

Usually a show gets me excited because I can't wait to see the other cars. This time I can't wait to see mine. :p


Originally Posted by wrenchnride247
Makes me wish mine was ready

I'm sorry yours won't be ready this time around but I look forward to meeting you. :)

Massive Type IV August 23rd 2006 07:32

Good to hear that oasis is finally getting his "type 4 fix"..

It's looking like Toccoa is going to be Type 4 heaven... Maybe even Herbie extreme will be making an appearance there, in front of the RAT booth..

If only Beth's car could be there.

oasis August 23rd 2006 08:10


Originally Posted by Massive Type IV
If only Beth's car could be there.

I thought I read elsewhere you were getting up at 0500 so it could be there. :confused:

massIVe 79 vert August 23rd 2006 13:08

No, he's trying to have it ready before the Euro Auto Fest show in South Carolina in October. NO WAY it will be finished up for Toccoa :bawling:

wrenchnride247 August 23rd 2006 21:28


I'm sorry yours won't be ready this time around but I look forward to meeting you.
Oasis, it will be cool to meet another club member in person.

NO_H2O August 24th 2006 23:10

She will be headed for the paint booth tomorrow.:agree:
Too bad it will go on a trailer to get there.

oasis August 24th 2006 23:22


Originally Posted by NO_H2O
Too bad it will go on a trailer to get there.

Hey, better it is on a trailer with no engine than after it gets one. :D

yellow73 August 25th 2006 23:31

Glad to hear that your project is moving forward I am looking forward to seeing all of the GL cars at Toccoa....

oasis August 26th 2006 02:43

Thanks! Things are closer to within budget monetarily even if the timetable has been stepped up a bit -- which isn't all bad. I'll be out of the stock and into new that much sooner.

One week down, two weeks to go 'til I'm Amtrakin' to my DTM'd Type 4. :cool:

zen August 26th 2006 12:33

very cool. i am thrilled for you. you are going to love it. glad you are making it to Taccoa as well. i have to get on my car today and take care of a gasket leak at my alt stand from the swap we did last year AT the Taccoa show. it just started spewing a few weeks ago.

looking forward to seeing everyone. remember to bring your member badges so those who don't know each other can find each other. then again, you hang out at Jake's area long enough and everyone passes by there sooner or later.

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