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petevw October 7th 2005 17:22

Oct meet next week?
Anybody want to meet up next week?
We can discuss the Germanlook meet and greet/VKG Dyno day next month.

BWE October 11th 2005 08:53

I'd be in for tomorrow (Wed) night. Anyone else?

Rob October 11th 2005 11:23

I'm actually in town this week, so I'd be able to make it as well.


Sandeep October 11th 2005 17:20

Are we talking this Wednesday Oct 11th ?

I can make it. Please confirm. I'll probably drive the beetle !


petevw October 11th 2005 18:03

:D Tomorrow night the 11th.

see you there!

BWE October 11th 2005 20:34

Tomorrow's the 12th...But I'll be there, if alittle late.

Rob October 12th 2005 07:09

Same time, same place ?

(Firking Duck @ 08:00 PM)


Rob October 12th 2005 18:57

Crap.... even though I am in town, work still catches up to me.
Gotta cancel....again......


Alex October 14th 2005 22:45

Ah....crap...I missed it. Lets plan November I can get that day off.


petevw October 15th 2005 08:57

I screwed up the dates, it was supposed to be Wed the 12th! I was on nights this week and was all messed up. Dave and I had a good conversation, too bad nobody else showed.

So lets make the next one:

Tues. Nov. 8th at 8:00pm? Just before the Germanlook meet and greet/VKG Dyno day weekend. :D

Alex October 17th 2005 23:27

Nov 8th should work for me.


petevw October 18th 2005 22:27

So what else have you done to the S4? :D any updates?

Alex October 20th 2005 20:51

I can not discuss this here!!!!
They will ban me for good ;-)

Will talk on the 8th.


petevw October 21st 2005 02:32

I'm going to John's Bug Shop this Saturday for his customer appreciation/swap day. Anyone else going? Need something picked up?

this looks interesting, and its local:

I'm thinking of the wideband for myself. Anyone interested in the complete Megasquirt kit?

Rob October 21st 2005 07:05

Alex, you have an S4 ????
Man, I really am out of touch....
Did the mini not have enough power ? ;)


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