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cormac163 March 30th 2005 05:10

1303s Steering Box to Rack & Pinion
does anyone know of any companies in the UK that would swap a steering box sytem to a steering rack system?

oasis March 31st 2005 11:48

Being a statesider, I don't know ... but from everything I have picked up -- directly and peripherally -- I would discuss with Machine 7 first.

cormac163 March 31st 2005 11:51

Good Idea maybe Mr Leche can point me in the know.
I would like to say i could try it but i am very inexperienced with welding and dont want to balls up a perfectly good frame head.

cormac163 April 5th 2005 12:16

Steering box or Steering Rack
It looks like I will have to scrap the idea of swapping steering boxes to steering rack I have purchased a 75 not an S model but with a scooby doo a nice paint job the Porsche rear wing wheels and seats and steering wheel it is going to ge a German 'look' with Jap power.

I have to admit that I am definitely glad I bought it as having had both types of 1303S car before i would have to say steering rack rocks it is so smooth and precise I dont want to spend all the cash on the car to have sloppy steering. I know a lot of people say that steering box cars can be just as good but when I plan on taking corners at 150kph i want it to be able to go where i point it and not having to correct the steering all the time.

So it looks like I will be rocking the rack 03 to AMR Motors on the 5/8/2005 and when my baby comes out all beefed up with pete special, kafer cup brace and a huge sting in the tail.

A trip to Nürburgring is on the cards next summer.
Go steering rack

Troy_Audio April 7th 2005 19:24

150kph = 40mph..Just kiddin

Dose anyone have a pic of a R/P steering setup?
Thanks Troy I got a 65..

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