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bug-er October 11th 2005 05:20

UK based GL club
I am thinking of trying to organise a UK based germanlook club as there is currently not one set up. The idea behind it would be to have dyno days, meetings and displays at some of the shows. Currently the numbers of Germanlookers in the UK seems small but there are alot more uk based cars on line. Anyone want to come out and play???
US based GL clubs - do any of you fancy a UK chapter?? would it be possible for a uk based club to get space on the forum???

74typeIV October 11th 2005 07:32

I'm sure there would be strong support for a UK GL club, as the number of GL cars around is steadily increasing and due the performance nature of our cars, most owners would be up for some dyno / track day / drag race action. :agree:

I for one would certainly join, even though my car is far from complete, it should be done sometime next year. :yawn:

samcat October 11th 2005 08:34

As said elsewhere, consider me in.



oasis October 11th 2005 09:35

I am genuinely surprised there is not a UK-based GL club. Good luck. :)

ricola October 11th 2005 09:59


Originally Posted by samcat
As said elsewhere, consider me in.





vujade October 11th 2005 11:02


I know you have been in contact with Zen from VKG as he has forwarded
your email to me as well. We are both in agreement and would be more
then willing to allow you to start a UK Chapter of the VolkSport Kafer Gruppe.

We could help you with the following:
1. Club rules & regulations
2. Logos, T-Shirts & Misc Club stuff
3. Perhaps a website linked to our site.
Zen could probably design it for you guys as well for
a small fee. Plus he offers hosting for low monthly rates.

Let me know....

judgie October 11th 2005 12:15

i'm up for that,more race car than german look but whos worried :D
cheers rob

bug-er October 12th 2005 04:02


Originally Posted by vujade

I know you have been in contact with Zen from VKG as he has forwarded
your email to me as well. We are both in agreement and would be more
then willing to allow you to start a UK Chapter of the VolkSport Kafer Gruppe.

We could help you with the following:
1. Club rules & regulations
2. Logos, T-Shirts & Misc Club stuff
3. Perhaps a website linked to our site.
Zen could probably design it for you guys as well for
a small fee. Plus he offers hosting for low monthly rates.

Let me know....

Ah I was wondering about that! thought you had thought it a bad idea or something!
I think that may be the best idea, saves having to design logos and stuff!!
btw whats up with your website at the moment?

beetlebum2 October 12th 2005 04:29

im only running a stock 1600

but my bug is 100% GL (its the silver one the last page of the general gallery)

so count me in

vujade October 12th 2005 08:13


Zen is trying to fix it, he just has been swamped with work.
It should be back up soon.


SteveW October 12th 2005 11:42

Count me in. :cool:
First meeting Dub Freeze 2006? :laugh:

darren October 24th 2005 07:03

Could be interested in that.
Hopefully Dubfreeze will see the car out (legally ;) ) for the 1st time. 1980 Brasilia 2.4 drla'd T4 motor, Rancho box, 17" rims, front and rear discs, stripped out interior, GWD shifter

ricola October 24th 2005 08:51

Got any pics Darran? Sounds interesting!

aircool October 24th 2005 14:53

I'm up for that, my car is a little way off but I'm defiantly interested! would we meet at shows or more frequently?

bug-er October 24th 2005 17:59

well as frequently as possible would be good
Depends on where the majority of people are, at the moment there are several up north, couple in midlands and a few down south.

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