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zeroaxe April 30th 2006 08:00

DIY Kafer Brace
I did a search on "brace" and found a post on a CSP Kafer Brace in this section of the forum, so I am posting here too(correct me if I am wrong).

I have noticed that the braces that can be bought over the counter(or net for that matter) all seem to have some adjustability. Is this really necesary? I have not noticed 'solid' bars etc. Why is this?

Reason for asking is that I am considering making my own. Yeah sure, it can be bought, but if I can make it myself instead, I would do it. I like cutting, grinding and welding stuff. Plus I can say afterwards that "I" did it :D If I make my own, I would have a problem knocking up the adjustable part of the braces. You know, the part with the 'eye' amd threaded bar. Plus, I dont think that I would be able to buy 'wrong way thread' threaded bar(that is left thread right?) here in the DIY shops in France. Finding specialist shops that deals in these kind of stuff is difficult to find for me. IF I make my own, and adjustablility IS NEEDED, surely I can only make one side adjustable, no?

Any help and insight is much appreciated! :agree:

super vw April 30th 2006 23:50

They dont HAVE to be totaly adjustable... but it sure makes building it and then instaling it easier.

The one i made was partly adjustable. i had the main cross bar that bolts to the shock tower non-adjustable, and tailored to fit my chassis. I then had the two droplinks that attach to the frame horns addjustable so i could add a slight (just till snug) pre-load. but it also makes instaling them easier.

You can buy clevis ends or heim joints in standard thread or left hand thread online. or jegs i do think has them along with the needed "jam nuts" and weld in threads bungs.

Bruce2 May 1st 2006 05:18

tie rods
If you are going to make your own, you could use old front tie rods. They have the left and right threads. You could cut the threads off the old tie rod ends and weld them to some steel tabs. Hunt the wreckers for tie rods that will be the right length.

zeroaxe May 1st 2006 15:12

Super VW,

That is what I thought. I was thinking that only one side would have to be adjustable. I checked out SummitRacing, but the costs for getting stuff shipped to France will not make it worth my while, but thanks for the info anyway!


Thanks for the tip. That is actually a very good idea! :agree: Just not 100% sure how I will weld tabs to the rods :confused: The other thing is, I think it would be difficult ot find bolts in the DIY shops here that will screw on onto the tie-end rods. Unless I get the whole assembly?

Steve C May 1st 2006 20:20


Im going to use tie rods for my brace when I get to that point. The good thing is if you need to trim them down in lenght, if you only cut the right hand thread side you will only need to buy a right hand thread tap which are much easier to find and cheaper to buy than left hand thread taps.

As far as hooking it up the ends to the tie rod threads, you could either leave the tierod as is and weld a tapered section onto the anchor or just have some U shaped clevis ends made up and weld them to the threaded section of a tie rod after you cut off the nuckle.


Steve C May 1st 2006 20:25


Also if you can have different thread pitches but still right hand thread at each end of a rod, this will give adjustable lenght as well.


zeroaxe May 2nd 2006 18:00

I had a look at work today at some old tie end rods. And from shock mount to shock mount the longest one I found will be too short. I assume that this wold be the case with just about any tierod out there from any manufacturer... But I cant imagine this being too much of a problem as it can be chopped in half and the extra piece welded in, no?

Thanks so far for all the input! :agree:

Bruce2 May 3rd 2006 04:46

Since you will have to do some welding anyway, why not extend the length of the tie rod?

Steve C May 3rd 2006 08:05


I would have thought that the long tie rod on the beam front ends would be long enought for between the shock tower.


zeroaxe May 4th 2006 17:38

Steve C,

Sorry, you lost me there... Are you referring to a certain model Bug? :confused:

Steve C May 5th 2006 03:29


The beam front end beetles (ball joint or king & link) have different lenght tie rods, the passenger side is very long. It may be suitable for the rod between the shocks.


Bruce2 May 5th 2006 04:19

He's talking about the one on the passenger side of a Standard Beetle.

zeroaxe May 6th 2006 03:08

Thanks fellas,

I will have a dig around at work to see if anything comes up there. Alternatively, I am going to try and contact the 'local' (30kms away from my house) steel merchant to see if he has got left threaded rods and nuts. What diameter threads should be used? 12mm? 10mm? How strong does this Kafer Brace need to be? (apart from the obvious answer that it needs to 'stabilise' the rear :D )

super vw May 7th 2006 12:16

i would go with a 12 or 14mm thread. with 1" main sections tube, and 3/4 secondaries.

zeroaxe May 7th 2006 20:42

Coincedentily(sp?) I got hold of 14mm threads. I couldnt get hold of left handed thread per se, but found something quite suitable(would've never thought of it if it wasnt pointed out to me! Watch this space :D I am actually in need of three left handed 14mm nuts, but I am not 100% sure if I can get hold of it(there is one place that I have been refered to that might have it, so I will try and get to the shop before it closes during the week. If not, next weekend....

As for the tabs on the end of the thread... What size nuts should I weld to the end of the thread? 14mm or 12mm as well?

The other question I have for you fellas that bought a Kafer Brace, how much does the three rods(complete) weigh? The tubing I have here with the threaded rods is not really that light! :eek:

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