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alt+f4 February 16th 2008 06:03

Legos have gone to poop!
Me and my Girlfriend decided we were to buy some legos since we all got rid of ours years ago (big mistake). So off to toys R us and looking for legos. Its absolutely spars compared to what it was as i was a kid! No more builder buckets, no more good creations that use existing common pieces and maybe a custom piece or two (and the custom pieces worked with personal creations). Now its all pre-definied creations that seem to use almost all custom pieces and the custom parts look as if they will be hard to incorporate into anything other than the box cover.

So being fed up with what was available in the stores i decided to check online....Well its just as crappy on their online store! Tried searching for some of my old favorite pieces....NO LONGER MADE!

Its BS man!

All these toys kids have these days instills very little imagination and creativity. I am almost afraid that there are going t be fewer imaginative visionaries in the future with all this pre-defined and guided play kids have these days!

... Yeah Rant over!

Superman February 16th 2008 07:04 <--- over 16,000 auctions to choose from for what you're seeking

Originally Posted by alt+f4 (Post 64131)
All these toys kids have these days instills very little imagination and creativity. I am almost afraid that there are going t be fewer imaginative visionaries in the future with all this pre-defined and guided play kids have these days!

I agree.

yetibone February 16th 2008 10:58

I still have enough Legos to fill up a 10 gallon container. They were priceless to me even when they were pennies a piece, so I guess I'm pretty fortunate to still have them. I spent so much time building so many different things with them when I was a child, I couldn't have given them away.

My favorite sets were the the car chassis with the horizontally opposed rear engine, the one with the penumatic rams, and the set with the electric motor.

Capsela was another favorite building toy of mine.

gonebuggy February 16th 2008 12:34

I have a big container still, and will never get rid of it. I always wanted the pneumatic pieces though.

the "technic" kits from the mid 90's were the cat's pyjamas IMHO:)


volkdent February 16th 2008 13:07

I've still got my bin, but recently got excited again when I found a Ducati Technic motorcycle. Then I stumbled across a Technic Ferrari F1 car, then another Technic Ferrari Enzo, another Technic Ferrari F1 car in 1:8 scale, and finally a Technic Ferrari 599 GT. These have full differentials, working pistons and steering, doors open, the 1:8 scale F1 car even has a working inboard shock system!

I've always though regular LEGO was a little boring, but I still find the Technic stuff got my creative juices flowing...




alt+f4 February 16th 2008 17:34

WHoa!!! Why didnt i look on ebay first!!! Jackpot and not expensive at all!!!

1303R February 16th 2008 17:57

ooh yeh technic lego is/was the daddy. i'd build the model then before the end of the day i'd ave pulled it apart and made a few different ones of my own. wonder why i keep pulling my cars apart to try n make em better? :rolleyes: :D

alt+f4 February 17th 2008 02:27

just won some bids for some classic space sets on ebay! Woot!

Racelook August 26th 2008 06:46

I've been also an Lego-builder for long time when I was young :lmao: Trucks was my favorit subject.

Wiebrand :D

volkdent August 26th 2008 13:15

I got this one a couple of months ago, hoping to GL it out!!!

Lego Beetle


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