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Old October 8th 2005, 09:31
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Panelfantastic Panelfantastic is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Eads, TN
Posts: 837
Laying under my bus using a 4" grinder, not a lot of room between the bottom of the bus and me and the ground. The grinder took a bounce, I had no where to run, it hit my shoulder and wadded up the two t-shirts I had on, chewed through them and took a chunk out of my delt before it finally had enough fabric and skin to bog the motor and stop spinning.
I went next door (my neighbor is big into ricers and was out tinkering too) and asked my buddy "how bad does this look?"... he told me he wasn't sure, but it looked pretty narly (I don't think narly is good). I asked if he had any super glue handy and he said "sniffin that stuff ain't gonna help"... kids today. Anyway, it was a gouge with a chunk missing so there was nothing to glue together (or back on). Still itches today.

No current VW projects
54 Chevy wagon LS2 AWD
56 Chevy Panel "Lost Cause"
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