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Old October 21st 2007, 16:59
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Holy smokes!!

Good luck mate

B-Extreme B-Tuning.....
Racebug is comming to get ya!!!
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Old December 1st 2007, 19:17
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Any progress mate??
EJ20 Suby Naturally Aspirated
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Old December 2nd 2007, 13:48
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Oh man time flies, there has been progress but not as much as I'd like. Most of the stuff happening isn't picture worthy and some is but I haven't taken the pictures yet. A lot of wiring and test ideas that were a $200 gamble, some worked and some didn't. I haven't had a lot of time between turkey day, becoming a new uncle, and planning an early xmas for the newborn/family while everyone is together. Some of it is my fault too I'll admit I got a new toy and I'll put up a new post elsewhere for it.

On this project though, here's whats been happening:

Got a new intake from an ej25, larger TB and different layout, so i've modified it to make it work.
Wiring is the bane of my existence, everytime I think I've thought of everything a new circuit is needed.
Took some parts to a machinist to modify for megasquirt and edis, also getting the top water manifold modified so i can spin it around backwards.
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Old February 24th 2008, 23:21
mccarthy500 mccarthy500 is offline
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anything new?
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Old February 24th 2008, 23:29
mccarthy500 mccarthy500 is offline
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are you planning on driving your car on the streets and doing some occasional racing or will it just be a track car?
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Old February 25th 2008, 21:09
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I have a few updates, some good some bad. Life has been up and down for me lots of good and lots of bad. I hate to say it (cause everyone else said it first) but I've been spending more time and money on my newly acquired sports bug than I should. While it's a really nice daily, it's pulling resources from the race car. More bad news, my recent divorce filing got snarled when the company handling it folded so I've been trying to kick start that again. Only to find out my ex had to go in for emergency surgery for spleen and kidney failure. Finally have paper work on the way and I found out last week she may have breast cancer (her family has a history). So while I may not love the woman anymore I don't wish that on anyone, and I've been trying to help her pay off bills from before we separated. In retrospect I've had a lot of time to think about this project and my current situation and my plans needed "adaptation" After 2 years of interrupted fabrication, fits and spurts of progress and no real progress I decided to axe the project. I can assure you there are several reasons, all of them good.

The Good part:
There's an old saying that says you can take a horse out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the horse. Well racing is kinda like that, especially if you've ever tasted victory. I'm starting a new project, no motor swaps this time, and going with what I know. I started all this to go racing and then kinda lost sight of what was going on (literally and figuratively). So the goal here is to go racing, and the sooner the better. I've already started work with a new chassis and there's a lot of "bolt-on" stuff already being transferred over. I'll continue this tread since this new project was born from the ashes of the old one.

mccarthy: The plan here is to make a race car first, so it will still be street registered but only because a couple of classes I want to participate in require it. It's not the kinda of car you'll want to drive to work, but I'm sure I'll try it at least once.
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Old February 25th 2008, 22:53
mccarthy500 mccarthy500 is offline
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sorry to hear it. this build up thread was one of the projects that inspired me to do a subaru swap. what are you going to do with all of your conversion parts?
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Old February 26th 2008, 01:16
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The list of parts that won't be recycled is pretty short.

subaru motor
kep flywheel and adapter plate
koyo radiator
radiator lines
link v3 ecu

I think just about everything else will go to the new car. I'll probably end up selling those parts and feed that cash back into the project. So if anyone is interested shoot me a pm. I never thought I'd be anybody's inspiration, especially after this long. I finally realized that I'm a driver not a fabricator, so why am I building when I should be driving? That's the driving force for the new car.
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Old March 1st 2008, 14:17
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So here is the new girl, her name is Lucy (the daughter of the devil). I bought her off an old lady and I'm the second owner! I wasn't out to buy another sport bug, in fact I know 2 other people looking for them specifically, it just happened by accident. She's a 73 sport bug, 86k miles, original interior and wheels. At some point she was given a bad rattle can red paint job so a trip to the paint booth is it store for the future. Here's a couple "before" pictures.

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Old March 1st 2008, 14:37
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Had Lucy for 2 weeks and already got the porsche stuff on her. One thing I didn't transfer over yet was the front strut bar and camber plates from the old car. I really need to since I can only get down to +1.2 camber on each side. I also have some shorter/stiffer springs coming for the front as well. Here's a couple in progress pics

I don't have any pics of her on the ground yet but I'll grab some today.

I've been reading and memorizing the competition rule book for NASA paying particular attention to the time trial rules. One of the reason I'm switch back to a type 1 is a weight/power limit I found. Originally I was after an hp target of 350hp and 1800lbs wet with driver for weight. That gives me a 5.14lb/1hp weight to power ratio and puts me right out of all competition classes. In reality I'm limited to 8.7lb/1hp for a total of 206hp, but since the car is so light I have a penalty modifier of -1.5 so my actual target number is 10.2lbs/1hp, or 176hp. Now the thing is they go by hp not torque, so I can make a peak of 176hp anywhere. So I've been considering different motor ideas and I'll put a couple up here when they're fleshed out.
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Old March 16th 2008, 22:07
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Racing update!

First things first though... I got the new springs in for the front end, settled on QA1 10" 125 lb./in. springs. While I had the front suspension apart I put the strut bar and camber plates in. The minimum settings previously in the old car were -1.5 degrees camber so it should be close to that now. Once everything was back together I did a ghetto alignment by tape measure and got it within 1/8th to 1/16th of an inch of toe out. I also stripped out the front carpet, floor mats, back seat, spare tire, and jack to get ready for race day.

Last sunday I was able to get Lucy out for an autox down in Marina. First impression, it takes a couple runs to warm up the front tires. For the first couple of runs all I did was push the front end around. It didn't help that I was running in the morning so both the tires and the course were cold. Secondly, I really need more HP, the poor stock motor just doesn't cut it but it was still fun none the less. Class wise they stuck me in FSP, I'm not sure how accurate that is but the group is pretty laid back. Afterwards I realized I probably had too much pressure in the front tires and after checking it (28lbs in both front tires) I put them back down to 20lbs. The rear tires I left at 24 lbs. since it seemed to work well there.

As promised heres a couple pics of the car so far.

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Old April 1st 2008, 23:30
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Motor Update

Thought I'd spill the beans on the new setup as parts arrive. Got most of the long block so far and the rest is coming. Here's what I decided to start with

2165cc turbo
CB super case, 7.0 deck, 10mm head studs
78mm forged race crank
94mm forged pistons w/ total seal 2nd ring
CB 5.7" super race rods, chevy journal
CB 044 cnc mini wedge port heads, ls1 springs, cb forged 1.3:1 rockers
K8 cam, 107 lc, 308 dur, .491" lift with 1.3:1 rockers
28mm light weight lifters
straight cut gears
4 gear dry sump pump
giant oil cooler w/ fan
3gal sump tank
dtm shroud
CB quick tune turbo/efi kit
turbo tbd

Right now I have everything but the cb efi/turbo kit and I'm still deciding on what turbo to use. I'm still working numbers for a big T3 or a T3/T4 hybrid or possibly something else. I want to have it together, tuned, and broken in before memorial day because there are a good number of track days comin
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Old June 21st 2008, 16:15
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Latest update:

Been awhile since I updated on this build so here's what's going on...

I've been collecting parts for the chassis while I build the motor and now that the motor is more or less finished, work on the chassis is progressing. I've been fitting the RLR roll cage over the past couple of weekends when weather permits and once that is done I'll fit the new motor and tranny. I only needed to add a diagonal bar to the main hoop to bring it up to FIA spec which is a relief since that has been one of my biggest worries. Unfortunately weather and wild fires have been interfering with the build. There was a wild fire 7 miles from our house 2 weeks ago, last weekend it was over 100 degrees outside and now there are tornado warnings, wild fires and severe thunder storm warnings

My to-do list:

Roll cage
Mount dry sump tank
Mount water injection system
Mount FI computer
Install 091 race tranny
Replace inner type 1 cv's with type 2 cv's
Install race motor
Install fuel cell
Install dash/gauges
Plumb fuel system
Plumb oil system
Plumb water injection system
Street tune
Dyno tune
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Old June 23rd 2008, 11:16
thetoff thetoff is offline
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hiya mate...very intresting thread. on one of the first pictures i noticed the pedal assembly, where is that from ?
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Old June 23rd 2008, 17:08
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Like the stance of the car as well! and love the home made camber plates.

Any pics of what she looks like now?
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