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Old January 17th 2012, 14:35
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Getting out of (BACK IN) the hobby

Hi All,

I've made a decision to get out of the VW hobby and will be putting up my project for sale.

I don't have the time commitment anymore, with current career plans and family taking up all of my time.

I'll be putting together a list of everything available and would like to sell it locally first, including the completed rolling pan and the body, along with engine components. There is too much to list, but I will do my best to document what is available.

I've been considering this for some time now, so much thought has been spent and I don't have any regrets.

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Old January 17th 2012, 15:51
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So sad to hear that, but the decision is only yours to take. Are you giving up on this forum as well? I hope you'll still be here with us in the future.
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Old January 18th 2012, 12:40
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NO_H2O NO_H2O is offline
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Life sometimes changes direction and you have to roll with it. The VW hobby will miss you.
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Old January 19th 2012, 02:32
itHaKa itHaKa is offline
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Don't take permanent decisions on temporary thoughts !
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Old January 19th 2012, 14:38
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Can I buy your wheels...or just look at them some more?

Sorry to see you go
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Old January 20th 2012, 05:30
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Damn Sandeep! I was SO looking forward to your new turbo type 4 engine with all those really good parts in it!
This is such a pity, as you inspired me a lot with your first turbo build. But I wish you all the best of course and who knows when you retire, you'll have the time to pick it up again

Best regards,
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Old January 20th 2012, 23:33
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WOW! I'm Stocked.... Hope all the best for ya Sandeep and hope your not gone forever.
wish I had some $$$ to buy some car bits from ya

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Old January 25th 2012, 20:41
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Sandeep, I'm sorry to hear you're getting out of the hobby. I hope we still see your face on occasion I always enjoyed chatting.

Best of luck with future endeavors my friend,

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Old January 26th 2012, 00:46
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sucks your getting out of the hobby man. right now im in the middle of building my joe cali upright type4. already had it running on another fanshroud, but was overheating, so now trying the cali upright. anyways, its on megasquirt and spark and i plan on turboing it. your car and your youtube vids where sooo much inspriation for me. so thank you for that man! really sucks to see you go. i gotta ask, what all you sellin? id be interested in your type4 porsche fan setup.. let me know how much $$.
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Old April 24th 2012, 20:23
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Sad to hear you are getting out of the Scene. You are one of the pioneers around here. I get out of the Scene for some years but I am back and bigger than before. So if you do not have to sell your stuff, do not do it. That way when you came back it would be easier!!!
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Old June 14th 2012, 20:00
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Wow, that sucks.

Learned of this recently at a local swap meet from chug-a-bug. Havent been on the forums for awhile. Currently working in Hermosillo, Mexico. Was in Toronto for months of May and January.

I need to update my threads.
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Old June 16th 2012, 07:36
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Good to see you Pete. I was wondering were you had been.
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Old June 29th 2012, 14:01
70Turbobug 70Turbobug is offline
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Sorry to hear that Sandeep! Best of luck to you and your family with your future plans! I hope you decide to come back to vw hobby later on! We will miss you.

Best regards,
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Old July 23rd 2012, 21:16
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Hi All,

Wow, 6 months since I started this thread ... shows you how much free time I have Thanks for the wishes !

I am going to start a thread in the "For Sale" section with parts that are available and break it down in to sections like Engine / Suspension / Brakes / Body ect.

I will update this thread with links to the For Sale ad ->

Thanks for looking, and hope that some of these parts find their way on to someone's German Looker, where they will live a happy life


Last edited by Sandeep; July 23rd 2012 at 21:31.
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Old January 15th 2013, 11:20
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Back in the game

Its amazing how life changes and what you once had little time for eventually comes back and bites you in the A$$.

I had the last year to forget about this project, spend more time with family and friends, finally obtain my Project Management Professional (PMP) designation, make a development move within my company, and generally start being happy about life again.

I tried to sell the project parts I had for a decent price but the deals fell through, or the pricing was unreasonable.

I was looking at purchasing various aircooled 911's, something I could get in and drive, 100% stock so no fiddling around was nessesary. After driving the majority of the models I was looking at, nothing impressed me to the point of putting a smile on my face after the drive (except for the Guards Red 965, owner decided not to sell ) My beetle with the turbo 2.0 T4 always made me smile so I decided October 2012 to get back at the project with a goal of having it complete Fall 2013.

Over the Christmas holidays I was able to put some time in to the project and actually got a fair bit done to my amazement The pan is complete, all plumbed up, just waiting on the front brake setup from Lanner / VDub Engineering to finally call it a roller

Hoping to start engine assembly in the next 2 weeks, lots of custom fab work needs to be completed, including a custom flywheel / ring gear using a Tilton dual disk clutch good to hold 620 FT-LBS TQ.

I got a great deal on a Raby DTM (V2) from Jake as well as a sync-link throttle system so I'm good to go in the cooling deptartment. Air-Air intercooler will go in the engine bay (A La Armin Klein) for the stealth factor (Sorry Wally !). I do need a good working T1 alternator / fan if anyone has one to sell.

The goal is to have the car ready for the Berlin Klassik in September 2013 ... here's hoping !

Good to be back in the game after a year.

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