O, Yes the engine. Mmmm. The engine that came with the car was put together by a person who did not know how to build one. So that one is junk now.
The engine that is in the car at the moment is a standard 1600 and belongs in my 1303 convertible. I had to put that engine in 2 days before the biggest aircooled event in The Netherlands. Becouse the original engine went like KrKrKrkrkrkrgggrrrgr the day before. and than it died. When I disambled the engine I saw a couple of things that were not ok. All kind of sealing materials in the oilgalley's, a 1200 coolingfan in a 1600 coolingtunnel. A piece of silicone sealer was blocking the hole for the middle crankshaft bearing. So the connectingrod bearing ended up like you see above. It melted. The rest of the engine was fine. The heads are like new. I think they were new when the person build this engine so I'll use those on a future project. But I won't use this crank, case and rods anymore.
I build a 1641 for my 1200 beetle. That car is also a project car. I put some powdercoated coolingtins on the engine and will drive this engine in this car for this summer.
The engine I'm working on for this car is a 2.0 Type 4.