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Old December 30th 2021, 19:15
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Imhor Pedal Set

I know a number of us have been curious about the Imhor suspension products, and I'll perhaps start another thread with photos of my kit, but this thread is for the Imhor pedal set which I purchased.

These are definitely no replacement for a proper pedal setup that uses dual master cylinders, but if you're looking for a potential upgrade to the stock pedal set...these suit the bill.

The kit assumes you have a late model beetle, and you'll be disassembling the stock pedal cluster and reusing a number of parts for this setup. The instructions are only in Portuguese, but are relatively straight forward and you can follow the photos basically. So far I've mocked them up in my '58 Beetle, and in doing so discovered a few things you may want to be aware of.
  1. First off, these will only work if you have a genuine VW late model pedal set to start with. Empi replacement pedal sets use a different size clutch pedal shaft and won't work. You also need the late model alumium casting to support the throttle pedal stop.
  2. The only instruction that wasn't clear was step #2 in the instructions. Once you replace the factory clutch/brake pedal with the new shaft, you have to grind the factory pin down to match the shaft diameter.
  3. The pedal set dropped right into my '73 bare shell, but interfered with the lip on the heater channel in my '58 beetle. Nothing an angle grinder and cut-off wheel couldn't handle.
  4. The pedal set uses stock throttle cable, clutch cable and brake master cylinder. Any modifications you make to your setup would be as if you were using stock pedals.

IMG_6134 by Dave Hord, on Flickr

IMG_4528 by Dave Hord, on Flickr

IMG_2492 by Dave Hord, on Flickr

I also ordered the Imhor foot plates, but I'm not sure I'll use them in the '58. The driver's side could definitely be cut much closer to the pedals, but I suspect it's designed to fit over a stock pedal cluster as well as their kit.

IMG_2927 2 by Dave Hord, on Flickr

IMG_1679 by Dave Hord, on Flickr

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Old June 17th 2022, 18:29
LLVWGL LLVWGL is offline
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7 months late, but how easy is it to change a clutch cable?

Looks cool anyway!
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Old June 19th 2022, 20:13
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No different than doing it with a stock pedal set.
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Old June 22nd 2022, 02:12
wouter1303 wouter1303 is offline
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The set is looking good, same as the other parts they have on the site.
But as far as I read in your review you would recommend it it you don't want to change to dual brake cilinders or hydraulic clutch?
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Old June 22nd 2022, 23:02
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I would, yes.

Better than the stock pedal set, not as good as a full-racing pedal set. An excellent "in between" setup. Honestly, I don't have any complaints with it...except perhaps that it lacks the adjustability / setup options of my true racing sets. But that's me being nitpicky because I can set the clutch/brake/throttle angle exactly where I want it in some of the other cars...but not this one. Sigh, compromises :P

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Old October 4th 2023, 00:56
H2OSB H2OSB is offline
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I know this is an old thread, but I've only just seen it, and I recently started a thread on STF regarding pedals (well, at least pads) of this type. I currently have a "big boy" pedal mod that spaces the clutch over a bit (I have wide feet), but I'd really love to have pedal pads of this type. If this were compatible with the pivot shaft/throttle cable attachment, it might be worth a look. The pedal set up I have has a brilliant mod that uses a shoulder bolt in place of the hook, making the mounting of the pedal assembly VERY easy, using the factory throttle cable in such a way that it can no longer fall off as the assembly is located in the tunnel.

I'm curious if you still feel the same way you did in your review from a couple years ago. I sounds like the Imohr assembly was designed to utilize the factory pivot shaft, thus SHOULD work with my pivot shaft, with a couple mods.

Thanks in advance
johnL (aka H2OSB)
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Old October 4th 2023, 06:38
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100% feel the same way. Possibly might like it even more than my original review. I’ve put over 35,000mi on this particular pedal set this year alone, with zero issues.

Since it uses the factory pivot shaft, I suspect you could use yours (with its much better clutch cable setup).

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Old October 4th 2023, 15:47
H2OSB H2OSB is offline
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Originally Posted by owdlvr View Post
100% feel the same way. Possibly might like it even more than my original review. I’ve put over 35,000mi on this particular pedal set this year alone, with zero issues.

Since it uses the factory pivot shaft, I suspect you could use yours (with its much better clutch cable setup).

Oh is that hook for the clutch cable? My bad. Oh yeah, the throttle uses that "s" shaped end piece where it hooks into the throttle pedal. But yes, the "Big Boy" CLUTCH CABLE attachment is far superior, IMO.

In my defense, it's been a while since my car was assembled. Does your pedal assembly still use a roll pin to hold the pivot shaft in place? From the pics, it looks like the end of the shaft is threaded with a flat washer to hold it in the tube.

johnL (aka H2OSB)
'74 1303, Outlaw sedan (with a GL flavor)
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Old October 5th 2023, 23:58
H2OSB H2OSB is offline
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One more question Dave. Do you feel there's plenty of space betwixt the pedals? The pics make them seem close-ish together, but I went to the Imohr website and watched the pedal set video. The pedals look far larger next to feet, vs pics without a frame of reference and thus perhaps plenty separated for my wide feet.

Also, assuming the spacing is as good as it appeared in the video, I found the clutch cable attachment upgrade is available in factory length ( actually I already knew...but now I've confirmed it) although a little spendy ($70 + $12 shipping). I would probably just drill a new hole and adjust the length if necessary, however.

johnL (aka H2OSB)
'74 1303, Outlaw sedan (with a GL flavor)
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Old October 23rd 2023, 01:37
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Sorry for the delayed reply. I'll grab a tape measure and fire up a photo in the next couple of days for you.

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